
Photo by Wilhelm Gunkel / Unsplash
I live and work in Southern Ontario, Canada. These lands belong to the Mississaugas of the Credit Territory, Toronto Purchase Treaty, No 13 of 1805, Rouge Tract Claim of 2015.
Land Acknowledgement
I have not been alone on this journey. Many have helped me along the way. I have been inspired. I have been humbled. I walked in the footsteps of giants to give me the strength and experience to walk alone.
- D.M. De Alwis

Development Coach:

Lisa Gurusinghe (projects in progress)

Beta Readers:

  • Kiran Corlosquet
  • Bridget Butt
  • Kevin Stevens
  • Ruchira Wickramasinghe
  • Meghan Jenkins

Sample Readers:

  • Kushan Fernando
  • Laki Seerasinghe
  • Dinush Lankage

Fellow Authors and Poets:

Interview for “Writers for Readers” to publishing on Wattpad
Gary E. Johnson interviewed me for Writers for Readers, a radio program hosted by 102.7 CHOP FM.



I could not shift my career towards writing without the support and trust of my husband, Stéphane Corlosquet.

Also, my gratitude goes to my supportive family & friends who trust my vision and root from the sidelines.

Ahasae Tharu Publishing