The Tale of the Agent who lost their job over a Tweet
Drama in the #WriterCommunity and #Querying Hell.
Drama in the #WriterCommunity and #Querying Hell.
Breaking through the 4th wall with version 5.0 of my manuscript.
AI is excellent for helping illustrate and broaden the concepts I’m writing about. However, it fails when it comes to nuance and people of…
How many of us bury ourselves in our social media accounts, watching YouTube, and echo chambers of our own making?
Sinha is someone with a touch of ASD. What does this mean, and how do I convey it?
Spoiler alert: You will need a Twitter account for this one.
Help comes from the unexpected. Keep to the journey. Get better with every round.
I want to praise 2 literary agents. Neither represents me. That’s ok. What I appreciate is that they gave me feedback.
I keep going down a rabbit hole. I am researching ‘just enough’ to create a setting for my novel set in 600 BCE Indian Subcontinent.
The cat I picked up a few years back has been inspirational for one of my characters. But…
Memory, past lives, what we call our gut or a hunch — are they built into our DNA?
BIPOC author rant. Querying is hard enough as it is without the demotivation. Is it me?