Hello World!

The beginning of the rest of my life.

Hello World!

The Erudite Bookworm

Hello World!

Once upon a time, in the mid-2000s, I created a website called The Erudite Bookworm. Later, this site became ahaseatharu.com. In my 20s, I dreamed of the author's life. Sadly, the author's life does not pay the bills. I pursued my other childhood dreams of finding my life partner, having kids, owning pets, and finally — owning a house. Through this journey, I lost track of my original purpose in life: to write.

I’ve been writing since I was old enough to read. I have scribbled stories since childhood. When I moved to Ireland, I attended Galway’s Night for Storytellers. There, I witnessed the art and even participated! I believe storytellers are the glue that connects us to our past and helps dreams become reality in the future. There is no better vocation.

With that, welcome to my author blog.

-D.M. De Alwis