Know when to ask for help

Asking for help is hard. We are programmed to rough it out.

Know when to ask for help
Photo by mrjn Photography on Unsplash

Life Lessons

Know when to ask for help

While following a weight loss coaching program, the coach pointed out how when we are thirsty, we do not pour a glass of water and drink. What is it that stalls us from doing the obvious?

I extend this to when we are mentally stalling or troubled. Tired and alone, we think to ourselves that we have this. That somehow getting through it alone will be a victory.

As humans, we almost always benefit from the connection and sense of belonging that comes from facing adversity as a collective. This could mean having an ear to vent your frustrations or fears. This can be mirroring with a friend or coach as you explore options. This can also be asking for help when you are afraid and unsure how to proceed.

Asking for help is an experience that pays it forward. You normalize asking for help and encourage and show others that it is okay to be human. It's ok to seek help.

So, ask yourself. Who can you help today, and who can share your experience in turn. Open the doors that keep us locked in ourselves and…

Pour yourself a glass and drink some water while you are at it.