On Goal Completion and the Satisfaction that Should Come with it.
After 20+ years, I woke up to realize I was on the wrong path. Is it people pleasing or ADHD that drove me?

After 20+ years, I woke up to realize I was on the wrong path. Is it people pleasing or ADHD that drove me?
This is The Erudite Bookworm, a brand new site by D.M. De Alwis that's just getting started. Things will be up and running here shortly, but you can subscribe in the meantime if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when new
I’ve written a novel I’ve submitted to agents and publishers. Now what?
A recap of the achievements of 2024 and what I would like to improve in the coming year.
Humans have existed for 300,000 years. Neanderthals went extinct 40,000 years ago. Denisovians went extinct 30,000 years ago. Archeologists…