
The works of D.M. De Alwis available from Amazon.

Children's Books

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Best Friends (2025)

Cover art for BEST FRIENDS illustrated by Rohan Corlosquet

BEST FRIENDS was written in 2023 when my usually upbeat daughter, Enora, hesitated to go to school. She was feeling down. In a classic playground move, Enora's friend said she was not her BFF. Oh, the rejection!

We're all hooked by rejection and negativity. Kids (just like adults) feel rejection and cling to that feeling. Clinging to rejection leads to missed opportunities staring you in the face.

That day, I had a conversation with my daughter that ended with her changing focus from one friend to another.

Best Friends
Based on a conversation with 5-year-old Enora. Kids ask…

Goodreads link to Best Friends

Which Feeling (2023)

Cover art for WHICH FEELING illustrated by Rohan Corlosquet

WHICH FEELING was written in 2018 when my son, Rohan, was in Kindergarten. Four years later, he stumbled upon my dusty, failed manuscript and offered to be my illustrator. So began an unexpected partnership—his love of art, my love of writing slice-of-life stories.

WHICH FEELING is available via Amazon Direct Publishing. All artwork is original masterpieces by Rohan Corlosquet (age 8).

The story follows a mother and son walking home from school. The son asks his mother, "What does it mean when my feelings are hurt?"

Which Feeling: What does it mean when your feelings are…
Based on a conversation between 4-year-old Rohan and hi…

GoodReads link to WHICH FEELING by DM De Alwis

YA Fantasy

The Taking (2009)

I wrote THE TAKING before I held a degree. As a second-generation immigrant growing up as Gen X, I shelved my passion for a career in engineering and science. I returned to this work in 2009 and self-published a vanity copy on The Amazon Direct Publishing version was published in 2023.

The Taking
Lana Marlin is taken from her home to Dakana, a land fi…

GoodReads link to THE TAKING by DM De Alwis

Ahasae Tharu