You Are What You Eat: A Review.
Netflix's documentary on twins eating a vegan vs. omnivore diet raises more questions than it answers.
Narratives for the telling... snap-shots of a human navigating parenthood, leadership, and life. I am an author, a scientist, a product leader, and a coach. Anecdotal Evidence is a compendium of stories about food, family, philosophy, and life.
Netflix's documentary on twins eating a vegan vs. omnivore diet raises more questions than it answers.
Status, Non-scale victories, Observations, and Experience
Lean into you: Whomever you may be. My journey through my diagnosis with ADHD.
Love is fresh and new in spring, hot and steamy in the summer, and cools by fall. What needs to happen by winter is that transformation to…
An exploration of what it means to navigate losing weight through fasting in the context of…
Asking for help is hard. We are programmed to rough it out.
Exploration of fasting for improved health, sleep, and weight loss targeting belly fat.
In a world where many things are out of our control, we spiral downwards losing hope and feeling useless to the challenge.
Are you worthy of praise? Do you unwittingly sabotage your gains?
Altruism is the response to empathy. Indirect to business goals, altruism creates the trust and communication bridges needed in teams for…
We quietly give up our power through the act of acquiescence.
Disrupt yourself — push self-limiting beliefs through adversity.