Which Feeling
How well do our teachers teach our kids in kindergarten about their feelings? This is a retelling of a dialogue I had with my son.

Life with Kids
Which Feeling?
Our kindergarten teachers do an incredible job teaching our kids. But sometimes there is something lost in the lesson.😂
Published as an 10-page illustrated children’s book.
Mommy picked up little Theo from school one day . As they walked home, Theo looked up at his mother and said
“Mommy, you hurt my feelings.”
Mommy looked at little Theo and smiled.
“Which feelings did I hurt, Theo?” She replied.
“I don’t know.” He replied.
“Did I hurt your hungry feeling?”
Little Theo thought about it and replied “No Mommy, I don’t feel hungry.”
“Did I hurt your thirsty feeling?”
Little Theo thought carefully and replied “No, I don’t feel thirsty.”
“Then I must have hurt your angry feeling?”
Little Theo smiled and replied “No, I do not feel angry!”
“Did I hurt your sad feeling?”
“I feel happy! Mommy what does it mean when you hurt my feelings?”
Little Theo’s mommy paused before giving her answer.
“If I do or say something that you do not expect and you feel sad, then you can say that l have hurt your feelings.”
Mommy put her arms around Theo and gave him a hug. “Are your feelings hurt right now?”
“No Mommy.”
Little Theo and Mommy went home.