Which Feeling

How well do our teachers teach our kids in kindergarten about their feelings? This is a retelling of a dialogue I had with my son.

Which Feeling
Illustration by Rohan Corlosquet

Life with Kids

Which Feeling?

Our kindergarten teachers do an incredible job teaching our kids. But sometimes there is something lost in the lesson.😂

Published as an 10-page illustrated children’s book.

Which Feeling: What does it mean when your feelings are hurt? : De Alwis, D.M., Corlosquet, Rohan: Amazon.ca: Books
Which Feeling: What does it mean when your feelings are hurt? : De Alwis, D.M., Corlosquet, Rohan: Amazon.ca: Books

Mommy picked up little Theo from school one day . As they walked home, Theo looked up at his mother and said

“Mommy, you hurt my feelings.”

Mommy looked at little Theo and smiled.

“Which feelings did I hurt, Theo?” She replied.

“I don’t know.” He replied.

“Did I hurt your hungry feeling?”

Little Theo thought about it and replied “No Mommy, I don’t feel hungry.”

“Did I hurt your thirsty feeling?”

Little Theo thought carefully and replied “No, I don’t feel thirsty.”

“Then I must have hurt your angry feeling?”

Little Theo smiled and replied “No, I do not feel angry!”

“Did I hurt your sad feeling?”

“I feel happy! Mommy what does it mean when you hurt my feelings?”

Little Theo’s mommy paused before giving her answer.

“If I do or say something that you do not expect and you feel sad, then you can say that l have hurt your feelings.”

Mommy put her arms around Theo and gave him a hug. “Are your feelings hurt right now?”

“No Mommy.”

Little Theo and Mommy went home.

Photo by Connor Wilkins on Unsplash